Transgender Representation in the Media
In my opinion in historically people who are transgender have had a limited representation in films and media, although in the past couple years there has been an increase representation of transgender people in the media. Many examples of transgender people being representing in the media is on reality television programs. However I do not think transgender people are being represented positively in the media. Transgender people are still marginalized; this is seen in the lack of policies to protect people who are transgender such as gender inclusive washrooms and the lack of resources.
From my perspective when people who are transgender are being representing in the media are picked apart and asked many questions about being transgendered.
Transgender people and the media still have a long way to go to provide an accurate representation in the media. The GLAAD social media movement provides the perfect example of how people who are transgender are negatively impacted by the media and film. This creates transgender awareness and tries to combat discrimination and micro-aggressions.
Based on course content a postmodern perspective involves deconstruction of gender binaries. This involves a political movement to fight the gendered system. However the media and films do not portray people who are transgendered in a postmodern perspective. Films and media portray people who are transgendered in a less than perspective, which is continuing to marginalize this community.
Roen, K., “Either/Or’ and ‘Both/Neither’: Discursive Tensions in Transgender Politics,” Signs, 27, 2 (2001): 501-522
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